Press Release

October 31, 2019

Software Reviews names Konami SYNKROS CMS and Aristocrat Oasis 360 among Casino Management Systems Data Quadrant Award Winners.

Casino Management Systems Software Users Review Vendors for Satisfaction, Revealing Their Top Two Through SoftwareReviews 
Konami SYNKROS CMS and Aristocrat Oasis 360 are the Data Quadrant Award gold medalists in the CMS category, according to authentic software reviews by users. 
Oct. 31, 2019 – SoftwareReviews, a division of world-class IT research and consulting firm Info-Tech Research Group, has published its 2019 Casino Management Systems Data Quadrant Awards, naming two gold medalists based on excellent user reviews. The following vendors are leaders according to software users’ answers to questions focused on user satisfaction, which have been crafted by seasoned IT industry analysts and backed by 22 years of IT research:
●        Konami SYNKROS CMS
●        Aristocrat Oasis 360

What makes the SoftwareReviews Data Quadrant different? Inclusion of aggregated emotional response ratings in the areas of service, negotiation, product impact, conflict resolution, and strategy and innovation creates a powerful indicator of overall user feeling toward the vendor and its product from the software users’ point of view. SoftwareReviews calls this insight the Net Emotional Footprint. 

In addition to Net Emotional Footprint scoring (based on standard net-promoter scores), Konami SYNKROS CMS received the highest rankings overall, and took the number-one spot in bonusing, availability and quality of training, as well as gaming reporting and analytics. Aristocrat Oasis 360 demonstrated consistently strong results across many categories, earning first place in many areas, including business value created, breadth and quality of features, vendor support, and display management.